Middleburg Community Charter School

Middleburg Community Charter School
MCCS K-2 Team Blog

Thursday, August 14, 2014

We Are Scientists, Artists, Math Detectives, Cartographers and more...

Hello families! Now that we have the first week under our belts, we are on a roll. We began our Science unit on magnets. The students are using both the inquiry and scientific methods to explore magnetism. Ask your child what happens when you float a magnet in water - which direction does it point? Also, why is a magnet able to lift pieces of pipe cleaner through a plastic bottle? What's the definition of repel and attract. We are so proud of their scientific minds - questioning, predicting, experimenting, observing and recording the results in their Science journals. 

In Social Studies, we are continuing to focus on community and citizenship, along with the art of cartography. Our students are proving to be excellent map makers and followers - creating maps of the classroom and our school. Many students are challenging themselves to create maps of their homes. Don't be surprised if your child creates a map, hides something in your home, then puts a red "X" on the map for you to find. (We are sorry if they hide your valuables.)

We are also reading books that highlight the importance of community and self. In the activity below, students are sharing their hopes and dreams expressed through the design of their "ideal" houses based on the book, The Big Orange Splot. In the book the neighbors paint and construct their homes to be hot air balloons, castles, jungles, and more. How would you express yourself through the outward appearance of your home if you could?

We showcased our artistic talents by creating a Keith Haring mural to express our feelings about our positive class community. Each of the students came up with their own adjective to share. Come check it out in the green hallway.

And, check out our moves in dance class (yup, we're bringing back the Macarena)...

In Math, we are sorting and classifying and gearing up for number theory. In Language Arts, we are doing everything from letter-sound correspondence and sight words to reading comprehension and fluency. Please remember to read every night with your child. Print exposure is key for reading, writing and spelling success. They can read to you and/or a family member, and please continue to read aloud to them. It is important for children to hear the expression and fluency in your voice. Verbally express your natural "questioning" while reading, so they will learn to do the same, deepening understanding. Plus, it's time your child will always cherish. You are their first and most important teachers.

Thank you again to all of the volunteers. Your assistance during the Art Hour, lunch, recess, etc. have been invaluable. We are humbled by your support. Your enthusiasm will continue to excite and motivate our children to always bring their best to everything they do.

The Green Machine Team
(Ms. Emmel, Ms. Morgan & Mrs. Browning)

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