We hope you are having a wonderful start to the new year! We are looking forward to a fantastic 2015!
Mrs. Browning's class has been hard at work planning for their Random Acts of Kindness assembly - this goes along with their classroom charity: randomactsofkindness.org. The students created their own interpretation of a pay it forward kindness circle. They performed their assembly yesterday for students, parents and teachers. We are very proud of the enthusiasm they showed for their charity and the fabulous job they did on their performance. Thank you to Mrs. Lutter for all you did to make our assembly a success - you rock, lady! Also, a big thank you to Mary Joynt and Kami Cleary for the fantastic pictures and video below.
The money that Mrs. Browning's class received from their donation basket (thank you to everyone who donated - it was AMAZING!!) will be donated to a special community member. Please help us support the Blue Ridge Middle School 8th grader fight brain cancer. Check out her donation page and help her family reach their $10,000 goal.
In math, the students are reviewing time and learning how to collect data and create their own graphs. We will be moving on to fractions, money and measurement throughout the rest of the 3rd quarter.
In social studies, we are exploring ancient Egypt. The students are writing using hieroglyphics and investigating other ways that the ancient Egyptians have contributed to the world today - clocks, calendar, papyrus, etc. Mrs. Browning's LA class, thank you for all of the supply donations. We are looking forward to creating pyramids out of sugar cubes, a sarcophagus, and many other fun projects that are fun and enhance our learning.
Thank you again for your generous holiday gifts. We are fortunate to have the greatest families at MCCS. It is a joy and a privilege to teach your children everyday :)
The Green Team
Mrs. Browning, Ms. Morgan & Mrs. Emmel